Transcript App

Features of Transcript Portal


How to Use the Application


Step 1 - Verification

Asides everyother vital informations mentioned on this page, the first key button here is the verification button where any academic institution can place request to verify a transcript submitted bearing the school identity. This request is received by the admin and adequate response is sent to acknowledge or annul the request

Step 2 - Login

There are two category of users who have access to the transcript, they are the admin - comprisig of the academic affairs of the school and ICT Personnel within the school and the regular student requesting for the transcript. The image below is for the student login. The test login credentials for this is Matric No:RUN/CMP/12/test, Password:123456

Step 3 - Dashboard

The student dashboard displays all successful, pending and failed applications by the student

Step 4 - Application

Student can create an application for either a student copy, official copy or an english proficiency copy of the transcript . This request will be sent to the academic admin staff for approval

Step 5 - Payment

This contains the transaction history of the student during the transcript request process

Step 6 - Settings

Here, users can request for an update of their details in their profile incase any occured over the time. This request is sent to the academic admin staff for confirmation and approval

Logging in as an admin


Step 1 - Admin Login

Here, the admin staff is expected to fill in their login credentials. The test login credentials for this is password:123456

Step 2 - Admin Dashboard

The admin dashboard displays the total official requests for transcript, the approved ones and pending ones. It also displays the total money that has been paid for transcript

Step 3(Applicants) - Resgistered Users

This tab shows the admin the number of registered applicants for transcript processing

Step 4(Applicants) - Forgot Matric Number

In cases where applicants can't remember their matric number, a request can be made to retrive matric number. Once the request is made, the admin will be able to see the request under this tab and help with the retrieval of the matric number using the supplied details of the applicant

Step 5 - Transcript Request

The admnin receives all transcript request here for approval. Knowing fully well that transcript can be official copy, student copy or english proficiency, the admin can access all these categories under the submenu's and will be also able to access the pending or approved ones

Step 6 - Verification

This tab is where the admin receives request of verification issued by any institution where the school's transcript has been submitted. The admin will be able to see the recommended, approved and pending verification requests

Step 7 - Payment

This tab is where the admin sees the records of all successful and pending payments made by the applicants

Step 8 - Generated Transcripts

This is where records of generated transcripts are kept for any possible re-downloadinig